Phishing is a type of fraudulent activity, aimed at deceiving individuals into thinking they have received a legitimate email from a trusted entity, with the purpose of extracting personal or company information. The information obtained through this scam can vary, from online banking login credentials to social insurance numbers.

Vishing is a scam similar to phishing, where the perpetrator poses as a representative of a reputable organization to obtain sensitive information (such as credit card details) through phone calls.

Smishing is a type of scam where fraudsters impersonate a trustworthy entity and attempt to obtain sensitive information from your company and clients through text messages.

Malware refers to various types of harmful software, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and adware. Malware can disrupt computer operations and provide unauthorized access to computer systems, sensitive information, and other resources, thereby enabling fraudsters to carry out malicious activities.

Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts files and data, with fraudsters demanding payment from victims in exchange for the decryption and return of their files and data. Malicious attachments and misleading pop-up ads are common tactics used to lure victims into falling prey to ransomware attacks.

Business Email Compromise
Business email compromise (BEC) is a type of scam in which a fraudster impersonates a business owner, CEO, vendor, or lawyer through email. The fraudulent email usually requests a payment to be made via wire or electronic funds transfer and may include a fake invoice or altered payment information on a legitimate invoice in order to deceive the recipient into making the payment to the wrong account.