Versão 3.0 do Jeeves

Veja as novidades da nova versāo da nossa plataforma

Nossa última versão, Jeeves 3.0, é um passo significativo para a criação de um banco empresarial global. Baseado em dois insights chave—faturas são centrais para as operações financeiras e eficiências em pagamentos locais são cruciais—Jeeves 3.0 oferece soluções de pagamento mais inteligentes e rápidas.

Pagamentos mais rápidos e inteligentes

Brazil only
Prazos de pagamento estendidos
em transferências com o
Jeeves Pay Crédito

Estamos entusiasmados em expandir o Jeeves Pay Credit para o Brasil. Com o Jeeves Pay Credit, as empresas podem enviar pagamentos localmente via TED e PIX e desbloquear prazos de até 37 dias. 

Envie várias transferências de uma
vez com
pagamentos em massa

Os clientes do Jeeves Pay agora podem economizar tempo através dos pagamentos domésticos em massa. Basta fazer o upload de um arquivo CSV diretamente na plataforma para pagar vários fornecedores de uma vez. Em breve a função estará disponível também para pagamentos internacionais.

Automatize o pagamento de
faturas com a
Invoice AI

We have made significant enhancements to our platform to make bill payments even faster. Jeeves clients can now forward invoices to to create draft payments in a matter of seconds. The Jeeves platform now also learns vendors' preferences and auto-fills fields to speed up payments.

Brazil only
Send local transfers in Brazil via PIX

Brazilian clients can now choose between PIX and TED for all local money transfers through both prepaid and credit. 

Send local transfers
in Brazil via

Brazilian clients can now choose between PIX and TED for all local money transfers through both prepaid and credit.

Faster and smarter
bill payments

Automate invoice payments
invoice AI

We have built artificial intelligence to further automate bill payments. Jeeves clients can now forward invoices to to create draft payments with AI. Jeeves AI now also learns vendors' preferences and auto-fills fields to speed up payments.

Choose between prepaid and credit through one Jeeves Pay flow

We have built artificial intelligence to further automate bill payments. Jeeves clients can now forward invoices to to create draft payments with AI. Jeeves AI now also learns vendors' preferences and auto-fills fields to speed up payments.

Send multiple transfers at once with
bulk payments

Jeeves Pay clients can now save time by using our new bulk payment features. Simply download the template and upload the CSV directly into the platform to create multiple draft payments at once. Jeeves clients can enjoy the convenience of bulk domestic transfers starting today, with international functionality coming soon.

Automate invoice payments
invoice AI

We have built artificial intelligence to further automate the bill payment process for global businesses. Jeeves clients can forward invoices to and Jeeves AI will create draft payments in a matter of seconds. Admins then just need to log in and approve the bill payment.

Choose prepaid or credit through
one Jeeves Pay flow

We have unified the Jeeves Pay experiences to automate invoice payments irrespective of how companies want to pay. Now, when drafting payments, clients can choose between prepaid and credit - all from a single screen.

Automate invoice payments
invoice AI

We have built artificial intelligence to further automate bill payments. Jeeves clients can now forward invoices to to create draft payments with AI. Jeeves AI now also learns vendors' preferences and auto-fills fields to speed up payments.

Melhorias no aplicativo móvel

Gerencie cartões através do app

Estamos entusiasmados em oferecer aos clientes mais controle sobre seus cartões diretamente pelo aplicativo móvel. Todos os portadores de cartões Jeeves agora podem visualizar os detalhes do cartão, congelar e descongelar cartões através do aplicativo.

Relatórios e gerenciamento aprimorados

Visualize detalhes de pagamento ausentes na nova tela de Pagamentos

We are thrilled to now offer official statements for Jeeves Cash which include incoming transfers, outgoing transfers, intra-account transfers, and cash balances.

Revise saldos com os extratos
do Jeeves Cash

We are thrilled to now offer officia.l statements for Jeeves Cash which include incoming transfers, outgoing transfers, intra-account transfers, and cash balances. 

Personal card actions in mobile.

We are excited to roll out major enhancements to our mobile experience to help businesses manage card spend on-the-go. All Jeeves cardholders can now view card details, freeze, and unfreeze cards all through the app. As an added bonus, admins can even adjust card limits for their employees. 

Faster underwriting with Central Bank and Serasa integrations.

We know that providing documents on a recurring basis can be a pain so we have built connections into the Brazilian Central Bank and Serasa to do some of the heavy-lifting for our customers. All customers need to do is connect the accounts through the integrations tab and be on their way. 

Faster underwriting with SAT and credit bureau integrations.

We have unified the Jeeves Pay experiences for our Mexican clients to save them time. Now, when drafting payments, Mexican clients can choose between prepaid and credit for each transfer, all from a single screen.

Obtenha visibilidade total de todas as despesas comerciais com relatórios em tempo real

Os clientes agora têm uma maneira mais rápida de visualizar os gastos em todos os produtos. A nova página de Transações mostra todas as transações dos Jeeves Cards, Jeeves Pay e Jeeves Cash em um só lugar.